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COVID-19 & Practice Hygiene

To manage the risk of spread of COVID-19, the practice is implementing the following procedure based on Environmental cleaning and disinfection principles for COVID-19 and Social Distancing Guideline outlined by the Department of Health, Australia.

The following precautions are mandatory to ensure safety for us and our clients:

  • wiping with disinfectant the surfaces which you are likely to touch in the office including door handles and watercooler tap;

  • requiring all clients to use hand sanitiser when entering the practice

  • providing all water in plastic cups (it is suggested that frequently sipping on water minimises the risk of getting sick);

  • maintain a 1.5m distance between all persons at all times

  • having no more than two clients attend at any one time

  • opening a window in the practice to let fresh air between each session and keeping it open whenever possible or use the air conditioner for ventilation

We also encourage all staff and clients to practice good hand and sneeze/cough hygiene including:

  • washing hands frequently with soap and water, before and after eating, and after going to the toilet, using the handwashing technique as identified by WHO

  • cover your cough and sneeze, dispose of tissues and use alcohol-based hand sanitiser, using the hand sanitizing technique as identified by WHO

Given the national shortage on access to hand sanitisers and disinfectant wipes, the practice may need to adopt alternative methods to prevent spread of infection. To manage this shortage, the following measures have been implemented:

  • in the event that hand sanitiser is unavailable, staff and patients are to wash their hands in the bathroom prior to entering the practice using appropriate handwashing technique


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